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Dr.Robert Chi's Headshot

Dr. Robert Chi received his MS degree in Management Information Systems at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He received his Ph.D. degree in Information Systems from the University of Texas-Austin. He has 29 years of teaching experience at California State University Long Beach, University of California Riverside, and other schools. Dr. Chi has served as the Department Chair for 6 years and Associate Dean for 5 years at CSU-Long Beach. He is a member of many advisory boards and a frequent speaker in the US and abroad.

Chairman of the Board

Dr.Bruce Lee's Headshot

Dr. Bruce Lee has 25 years of industrial experience in R&D and process/customer engineering applications of materials technologies for electronic, aerospace, automotive/ceramic, and chemical industries.


Mr.Steve Gramme's Hedashot

Mr. Steve Gramme is a business executive with 20 years of experience in business consulting and strategic planning for Fortune 100 global organizations in the high tech, information, legal, academic, entertainment, real estate and finance industries

Dr.Steve Hsiang's Headshot

Mr. Steve Hsiang has 20 years of marketing and technical support experience with fortune 500 company.

Virscend University School Logo

Dr. John Austin has 20 years of experience in medical practice working with a globally recognized provider.

Dr.Sara Saedinia's Headshot

Dr. Sara Saedinia has 4 years of experience as Director of Innovation and Product Manager for leading biotech company.

Dr.Steve Fisher's Headshot

Dr. Steve Fisher has 25 years of experience in both higher education for recognized accredited institutions and field experience as an Accounting Consultant.

Ms.Joanna Cho's Headshot

Ms. Joanna Cho has over 30 years of financial reporting, payroll, and accounting in private, non-profit, and government agencies and currently is the Accountant III for the L.A. County Development Authority.

Ms.Tiffanie Archie's Headshot

Ms. Tiffanie Archie has extensive marketing, project management, and relationship development experience mostly focusing on international markets. 



認定: すべての認定および免許取得の取り組みの達成および更新。

カリキュラム: 大学が提供するさまざまな学位および認定プログラムの研究開発。提供されるすべての学術カリキュラムは、経験豊富な教授と業界の専門家によって慎重に設計されています。



マーケティングとリクルートメント: 当社のプログラムを宣伝し、I-20 およびその他の SEVIS サービスを発行するためのマーケティングおよびリクルート業務


会計および財務サービス: 財務管理局は、Virscend 大学の従業員および学生に会計および財務管理サービスを提供します。 


学生へのアドバイス: 学生へのアドバイス、学生の定着と卒業。

機関調査: 機関調査と意思決定のためのデータを収集、編集、分析します。

レジストラ: すべての学生が計画手順に従ってコースに登録することを確認するための登録サービス 


一般的な運用: Virscend University の物理的な技術資産およびデジタル資産を維持および運用します。


情報技術: 現在のコンピュータ アカウント、ソフトウェア サブスクリプション、Moodle 教育プラットフォーム、学生情報システム、図書館サービス (IBIS World) を管理します。

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