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Horario de Clases 2022-2023

Primavera 2023

All three (3) courses will meet four (4) times on campus throughout the semester for a total of twelve (12) in-person classes for students with a full course load.

Numero de curso

Nombre del curso

MaestrĆ­a en AdministraciĆ³n de Empresas 520

AnƔlisis de datos

MaestrĆ­a en AdministraciĆ³n de Empresas 621

Publicidad digital

MaestrĆ­a en AdministraciĆ³n de Empresas 503

GestiĆ³n financiera


Tiempo de dĆ­a

Dr. Mohamed Abdel Hamid

Por determinar 7:00-9:45 (hora del PacĆ­fico)

Profesor CristĆ³bal Medina

Por determinar 7:00-9:45 (hora del PacĆ­fico)

Dr. Jasmine Yur-Austin                  

Por determinar 7:00-9:45 (hora del PacĆ­fico)

Summer 2024

All three (3) courses will meet four (4) times on campus throughout the semester for a total of twelve (12) in-person classes for students with a full course load.

Course Number

Course Name

MBA 650



Dr. Robert Chi

Monday 6:30-10:00 (PT)

Fall 2024

All three (3) courses will meet four (4) times on campus throughout the semester for a total of twelve (12) in-person classes for students with a full course load.

Course Name

Course Number

MBA 601

MBA 504

MBA 500

MBA 501

MBA 505

MBA 502


Dr. Fisher Wu


Monday 7:00-9:45 (PT)

Dr. Ping Lin

Tuesday 7:00-9:45 (PT)

Dr. Robert Chi & 
Dr. Minder Chen

Tuesday 7:00-9:45 (PT)

Dr. Banafsheh Behzad

Thursday 7:00-9:45 (PT)

Dr. Sean Jasso

TBA 7:00-9:45 (PT)

Dr. Sean Jasso

TBA 7:00-9:45 (PT)

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