경영학 석사
캘리포니아 어바인에 있는 Virscend University에서 MBA를 취득하십시오.
이 프로그램은 일하는 전문가를 위해 설계되었습니다. 있다총 10개 코스디지털 마케팅에서 데이터 분석 및 관리 전략에 이르기까지 다양합니다. 코스는 저녁 시간에 진행됩니다. 프로그램은풀타임 학생은 1년, 파트타임 학생은 2년. 풀타임 학생의 경우 이 프로그램을 1년 안에 완료하려면 다음을 수행해야 합니다.가을학기 시작합니다. 이 프로그램은캘리포니아 어바인 캠퍼스에서 직접 방문. 우리는 제공한다편리한 야간 수업정규직을 유지하는 학생들을 수용하기 위해.
Program Description
The MBA program provides students with a strong foundation in content and competencies that will support their development as effective managers in many different types of settings. Students develop and utilize analytical tools to assist in decision making, to acquire organizational skills, to assist in their effective implementation of operational policies, to acquire a body of knowledge in the functional areas of business so that they develop leadership and supervisory skills, communication skills, and an understanding of the role of technology as an aid to effective management.
Program Mission
Our mission is to inspire business professionals to be intellectually prepared for the fast-changing global business environment.
Program Learning Outcomes
PLO 1: Critical Thinking and Research Analytics - Students will identify potential business opportunities, analyze competitive advantages, and apply fundamental strategy frameworks by critical thinking and applying proper problem-solving skills
PLO 2: Business Ethics and Corporate Governance - Students will develop awareness and knowledge of the ethical decision making in all aspects of corporate governance
PLO 3: Interpersonal &Team Skills - Students will develop their interpersonal skills by working collaboratively to integrate diverse viewpoints
PLO 4: Business Functions - Students will apply integrative business knowledge to solve problems
PLO 5: Quantitative & Technical Skills - Students will utilize quantitative skills and analytical reasoning to analyze and interpret data to improve business performance
PLO 6: Domestic & Global Environment - Students will learn to evaluate the domestic and globally competitive market and apply the relevant concepts to facilitate efficient globalized operation

Virscend University MBA Cohort of 2018

Virscend University MBA Cohort of 2019

Virscend University MBA Cohort of 2022

Virscend University MBA Cohort of 2018
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